Here you'll find articles about makeup in general and articles about makeup for your face such as foundation or blush. You'll find other makeup articles in the Eyes and Lips sections of the site. For more about makeup also see Makeup Magic

How To Cover Up Acne With Makeup Video Tutorial

how to cover up acne with makeup

As a teenager I had very bad acne and it was only with a lot of medication that it got even slightly better. I never really had the skills or knew it was even possible to learn how to cover up acne with makeup so that you could not see it at all. I did wear foundation and concealer to try and hide the problem (in fact my concealer was called something apt like Rimmel “Hide the Blemish” that they still make today), but I think I just made my face look worse – not only did I have a […] Read more »

10 Makeup Tips From Sandy Gold

Sandy Gold

Sandy Gold is the resident TV beauty expert on CBC show Steven & Chris. I love her down to earth advice and the clear makeup tutorials. (You can see these at her Happiface blog). Here are just a few of the great makeup tips I picked out from Sandy 1 Apply Cream Blush With a Brush Sandy says that you should use a fluffy foundation brush instead of fingers to apply cream blush to avoid contaminating the product. Use a circular motion to apply it to the apples of your cheeks. My 2 cents: I have always used my fingers […] Read more »

FREE Guide! 101 Makeup Mistakes

101 makeup mistakes ebook

How Many Makeup Mistakes Do You Make Every Day? Even one or two can make a big difference to how you look. In this FREE 33 page guide, you’ll discover how to avoid mistakes when applying any of these types of makeup and more foundation concealer blush bronzer face powder eye shadow eye liner mascara plus general makeup mistakes you might be making that spoil your look. Enter your details to receive your FREE guide and newsletter bursting with further tips and tricks from Beauty Top To Toe.   Name: Email:     Enjoy Your Guide Love P.S. Don’t worry […] Read more »

Homemade Makeup Remover

extra virgin olive oil

Some of the store bought makeup removers are filled with chemicals and can irritate sensitive skin. Recently I came across this video by Michelle Phan (see below) that shows a great recipe for homemade makeup remover that has just two ingredients. This recipe is great for removing all kinds of waterproof eye makeup as well as foundation, blush and long lasting lipsticks, and it can replace your regular cleanser even if you are not wearing makeup. It’s unlikely you’ll find a more natural eye makeup remover on the shelves as they need chemicals to bind the ingredients. To see how […] Read more »

Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial For Round Eyes

Before and After Angelina Jolie makeup

I loved this Angelina Jolie makeup tutorial by makeup artist Samantha Chapman because it has a few great makeup application tips that will work for any look, and she gives lots of special tips for those with round eyes. Also my favorite videos are those where you see a real transformation between the bare face at the beginning and the face with makeup at the end. That shows real skill with makeup, especially if the makeup does not look thick and unnatural. What you’ll learn watching this:- How to give round eyes a more feline look that is just as […] Read more »

How To Contour Your Face With Makeup

Face contouring makeup kit and instructions

If you have mastered the art of applying blush and want to take it a step further, here’s how to contour your face with makeup, with a few simple steps. If you use contouring makeup to carefully sculpt your face, you can look as if you lost 5lbs in weight, but, on the other hand, if you do it incorrectly, it can look as if you haven’t washed your face for a week! If you are beginner with makeup, make sure you get used to wearing blush before you try anything more complicated. See How To Apply Blush Properly for […] Read more »

How to Apply Blush Properly: Blush Makeup Made Easy

how to apply blush

It’s well worth learning how to apply blush properly as subtly applied blush makeup can make you look radiant. It perks up your face super fast, brightening your complexion, enhancing your face shape and making you look young and vibrant even if you’re under the weather or dog-tired. I have to say I’m a late bloomer myself when it comes to blush. It took me a while to see what a difference it made but now I wouldn’t be without it so if you’re not wearing it every day, give it a try and see what it can do for […] Read more »

Are You Wearing Too Much Makeup?

too much makeup

It can be hard to get this makeup thing just right. If you go out without any, you look like you can’t be bothered. If you wear too much makeup though, it’s very aging and you look tacky, and overdone. Guys are pretty adamant that they hate girls in too much make up. Though what they really mean is that they hate girls who wear makeup that is too obvious. You can wear quite a lot and most guys won’t have a clue, they just think you’re a natural beauty LOL Whole surveys have been done on this men and […] Read more »

Does Makeup Expire?

does makeup expire?

Does makeup expire? Unfortunately it does, usually as it lies unused at the bottom of your makeup bag or in a drawer in your bedroom. It’s not something you really have to worry about on products you use every day though. Makeup expiration dates will generally be long enough to use the amount of product in the container as long as you use it regularly. As you can imagine I have quite a stash of makeup, and I have to say I am pretty bad at weeding it out and getting rid of stuff that has passed the date it […] Read more »