Straight hair has a very polished classic look but only if you look after it properly. You need hair in great condition to carry off this style. Split ends and frizz are big no nos. So what can you do to make sure you have silky straight hair?
Here are 10 tips from to make sure your straight hair style stays in great condition even if you have subjected your locks to a damaging chemical relaxer treatment.
For more tips on beautiful hair (which apply to hair of any length) see 50 Tips: How to Grow Your Hair Long (And Look Gorgeous!)
Use low lather shampoo
Any shampoo that creates a lot of suds is high in sulfates which can damage the condition of your hair especially if you have chemically relaxed hair. Suds look good in the ads but you don’t need them to get your hair clean.
Go Easy with Heated Hair Straighteners
Flat irons are great for creating sleek styles but they do damage your hair so limit their use to a maximum of once or twice a week if you can – maybe reserve them for special dates. You can use large velcro rollers to smooth out your hair on other days and these will give a bit of lift to your style as well. Limit both flat irons and rollers to once or twice a week if your hair has been chemically relaxed as your hair will be more fragile than normal hair.
Practice Blow Drying
You can use a brush to achieve a smooth style while blow drying your hair.
“A metal barrel is best for a straighter look,” says Ali Webb, president and co-founder of Drybar, “since it quickly heats up from the warmth of your blowdryer. The heat helps to set a slight wave into the hair and boost volume at the roots.”
Do be careful with blow drying your hair too much though as any heat can damage it. Try and let your hair dry naturally until it is 80% dry before you start to blow dry most of the time when you wash your hair and leave complete drying for when you are in a mad hurry to get out the door.
Use a Scarf
If you like to tie your hair back at bedtime, wrap a loose scarf around it rather than tying it back with elastics so you don’t get a kink in the length that needs “ironing out”.
Use the Nozzle
Use the nozzle on your hair dryer to blow hot air down the length of the hair when you dry it. This helps cuticles lie straight, and makes hair shinier.
Use Alternatives to Silicone
Silicone is great for making some types of hair look healthy and shiny but it is adding a coating rather than treating your hair. Try natural essential oil-based products instead.
Don’t Brush Wet Hair
Wet hair is very fragile and can be easily damaged by brushing. Always use a wide toothed comb on wet hair and wait until your hair is no more than just damp before using any kind of brush on it.
Add Some Life
Completely straight hair can look limp and lifeless. Always add some kind of movement to your hair by using a round brush on the ends when drying.
Use Your Fingers to Detangle
Keep your hair smooth during the day just by running your fingers through it to remove any tangles. Constantly brushing it wil undo any good work you did to style it.
Trim regularly
Split ends are more noticeable on straight hair so have regular trims (every 6 to 8 weeks) to remove them
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