Beautiful Hair

Hair can make or break your look. If your hair is not right then you don’t feel right and it saps your confidence like nothing else. If you want your hair to be an asset then follow these four simple steps to having the best hair of your life.

beautiful hair


Look After the Condition

Aim to get your hair in the best possible condition and keep it that way. That means using the right shampoo and conditioner and treating your hair with respect at all times, eating the right foods and getting enough rest.

If you are healthy, your hair will be healthy too. If you do have problems such as a dry scalp or frizziness use specialist products to deal with the condition and if all else fails consult a trichologist (hair specialist) for help.


Get a Great Cut

Find a style that suits you and have regular trims to keep it in shape.

Don’t be scared to change your hair stylist. If your local hairdresser has not found a great look for you and you’ve been going there for some time, it’s time for a change.

If you can, don’t fight your hair’s natural type. If you have curly hair don’t spend your life straightening it and if it’s straight don’t think about having a perm.

Make the most of what you’ve got and your hair will behave better and stay in better condition without all the heated appliances and chemicals you plan on torturing it with.

Of course, if it doesn’t suit you the way it is, then better to use a heated appliance or two than spend your life hating your hair, but don’t completely discount going natural until you see how it looks when you make the most of it with the right cut and conditioning treatment.


Boost Your Look With Color

If you don’t love the color of your hair this is one thing you don’t have to live with as long as you can afford the maintenance. A beautiful color that has grown out is far from attractive and you would be better sticking with your natural color than living with obvious roots.

Don’t be tempted to color your hair yourself unless you know exactly what you are doing. Amateurs often end up with a build up of dense color that looks far from the natural look they were hoping for, whereas professional hair colorists put the color only where it is needed to top up the hair color and cover the roots each time.

Also don’t stray too far from your natural shade unless you can keep things looking natural. Madonna and Linda Evangelista may be able to pull it off but can you? They have stylists and makeup artists at their disposal to make sure they do it well. It looks pretty weird if your eyebrows don’t tone in with your hair. Just sayin’.

If you’d like to change both your cut and color, decide on the cut first and then use color to enhance the shape and swing of your hair.


Dress It Up

Give your hair a boost for special occasions by dressing it up. Experiment with hair gels and creams on shorter hair for a slicked back look or just wear your hair slightly differently. For example, tuck it behind your ears so you can show off great earrings. On longer hair try an updo or use hair ornaments to give a special touch. And practice well before the occasion so you are not left sporting a disaster 30 minutes before you have to leave the house.

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