How To Cover Up Acne With Makeup Video Tutorial

how to cover up acne with makeup

Cassandra: a beautiful girl with apparently flawless skin or....

As a teenager I had very bad acne and it was only with a lot of medication that it got even slightly better. I never really had the skills or knew it was even possible to learn how to cover up acne with makeup so that you could not see it at all.

I did wear foundation and concealer to try and hide the problem (in fact my concealer was called something apt like Rimmel “Hide the Blemish” that they still make today), but I think I just made my face look worse – not only did I have a face covered in spots but, with poor application, also a badly made up face. Not good!

Luckily I grew out of the acne and it left no traces behind and I’m very thankful for that. But if you are still in the throes of the problem, you can find out how to apply makeup to cover acne and acne scars better than I ever did and you don’t even need special acne makeup.

I’m sure makeup formulas have improved over the years so that you can get great coverage more easily without a thick mask-like effect but it still takes some skill and a bit of practice to apply makeup properly to cover acne.

To help, I have a video tutorial to show you by a lovely girl called Cassandra. You would never know to look at her in the picture above that she suffers from quite severe cystic acne but she does and I love that she has the courage to show her face bare of makeup to the world (especially given the trolls that sometimes gather on Youtube) in the hope of helping others learn how to cope with their acne.

Cassandra, I just wish you had been around to help me all those years ago, I know it would have made a huge difference and I hope your problem gets better too with the help of medicine or age, though you are a lovely looking girl with a big heart, acne or no acne.

Since that original video, Cassandra has provided a couple of updates about covering up acne with foundation. You can keep up to date via her YouTube channel but here are the main ones.

Here is Cassandra’s flawless skin makeup update:

Here is Cassandra’s everyday foundation routine for when lighter coverage is enough

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