When it comes to public opinion on what looks good, celebrities have always led the way. I don’t know about you but I have always wanted a Marilyn Monroe or Angelina Jolie pout. I never really knew why but it seems that science has now proven that plump full lips are a sign of youth and sexual attractiveness.
Apparently a woman’s lips are a visible sign of her fertility, as studies have shown that on average the more estrogen you have running around your blood stream the larger your lips. I suppose that makes sense because as we get older and hormone levels fall, our lips definitely get thinner so it’s not just the wrinkles where you show signs of age – it’s your shrinking lips too. Yikes!
Time to fight back! Whatever nature has given you, here’s how to make your lips bigger. You can try any of these 8 ways to get fuller lips and see which ones are right for you.
I have been a fan of lip plumper products for a while (I don’t mind the tingle!) and I also find all these makeup tricks for fuller lips really do make a difference to how my lips look though I don’t do the full works every day just for a special night out.
If you try the other ways to get bigger lips please drop a comment below and spill the beans about whether they worked for you.
How to Make Your Lips Look Bigger With Cosmetics
This is an easy method to use to make a big difference to the look of your lips. Makeup is all about illusion and you can create the illusion of bigger pouty lips with just a few products.
The main thing you need is a lip liner pencil in a color as close as possible to your natural lips. You will find all kinds of advice about different colors but the fact is that when the rest of your makeup rubs off, the liner is the last to leave so you don’t want a strange color that does not match.
Outline your lips with the pencil around your natural lip line. Don’t be tempted to leave any gap between your lips and the line as this will look very strange just use the very outside edge to get the maximum area. Then fill in your lip area with the same pencil.
This is a great natural base for anything else you want to use. As far as color is concerned strong, bright and dark colors cause your lips to look smaller whereas light colors will have an enhancing effect. Also a bit of shine works wonders. If you don’t want an overly glossy look choose a lipstick with a slight sheen rather than a matte product. You can cover with gloss if you like (or just wear gloss) or if you prefer you can add a touch of gloss to the center of the bottom lip to give a fuller effect.
Another trick is to highlight along the top lip line (and the bottom if this looks good on you) with a pale highlighter pencil and blend before lining your lips. This will cause your lips to stand out. You can even enhance the cupids bow part of your lips by highlighting with a little gold or silver in the evening. Make sure you don’t use too much highlighter as it can cause you to look like your top lip is perspiring!
Here’s a video of how to create fuller lips using Jemma Kidd Makeup. You’ll notice that the colors chosen are very pale and as I mentioned this helps create the illusion of bigger lips where a dark color would only “shrink them”.
Bigger Lips by Exfoliation
Bring a bit of extra pout to your lips and make them bigger naturally at home by exfoliating before you apply your lipstick or add a slick of lip gloss. This is easy enough to do with a little Vaseline and a soft toothbrush and as a bonus you will have softer kissable lips too.
Simply rub a little Vaseline into your lips and rub the toothbrush in small circles over them and then wipe off any excess. You find that your lips are rosier and fuller as a result.
I like the colored Vaseline that comes in a little pink pot too for adding a touch of gloss any time and helping to prevent chapped lips.
How To Get Fuller Lips With Lip Plumpers
There are two kinds of cosmetic which get called lip plumpers. There are those which just add a lot of shine – a super glossy layer which makes your lips look bigger. They work on the basis that everything that shines tends to stand out and look bigger.
The other kind are generally lip glosses too or creams which contain a stimulating substance such as caffeine, cinnamon or pepper and these have the effect of irritating the lips a little and brings blood to the surface making your lips fuller.
The effect (if you don’t mind the tingling too much) lasts about 2 hours. After that you will have to reapply the substance and reirritate yourself.
Hypnosis for Plumper Lips
Hard to believe that you could gives yourself plump lips naturally by listening to a CD but I kid you not, there is a hypnosis program to make your lips bigger and all you have to do is relax and listen, while your subconscious gets it’s act in gear to increase the amount of collagen and give you luscious lips.
I haven’t tried this myself just so you know and I don’t know anyone who has so I can’t actually say it works. If I had the time to relax and think about my lips I would make myself a guinea pig and try it. It’s one way you MIGHT be able to make your lips bigger without makeup or surgery.
So if anyone fancies relaxing AND making their lips fuller please try it and let us know. Here’s the program anyway if you want to have a go Bigger Fuller Lips by Deep Trance Now
How To Get Bigger Lips Using a Lip Pump Device
This lip plumping device is a kind of suction device that you use to pump up your lips. It’s a solution that I couldn’t bring myself to try because I’d just feel silly using it but to be fair, I suppose my lips are not so thin that they bother me that much.
I’ve included it here for the sake of completeness and who knows you might find it’s just what you need. The girl in the video swears by it but even she says the effect only lasts 2 hours. Here is her video from the Rachael Ray show.
I’m afraid I’m a bit of a skeptic when I see people raving about this kind of thing and I tend to think the reviews are planted by the manufacturer or distributor of the product. But your mileage may vary so I give you the link where you can get this and then let us know if it worked for you or you wasted your money. My guess is the latter but you never know.
Lip Exercises For Fuller Lips
Now lip exercises are something that could definitely help – in fact I keep meaning to do all those Facercise type things not just for my lips but for my whole face before it caves in to age.
The whole point is that whatever muscles you don’t use, lose tone and plumpness so it stands to reason that by exercising your lips in the right way you build up muscle that can replace any fullness you might be losing in other ways.
Here’s a set of very easy exercises that take just a few minutes every day. If I could remember I would give these a go while waiting for the kettle to boil – but then I usually have other things that I’m trying to fit into those precious little moments like loading the dishwasher and nagging son #1 to get a job or doing my one minute buttock lift exercise.
In this “How To Create Fuller Lips With Face Yoga” video you’ll find all the exercises you need to do but you’ll need to stop and start the video to follow along because it’s very quick.
Permanent Lip Makeup
You can get a semi-permanent lip tattoo to slightly augment your lips. You can keep your normal color and then, just like outlining with a lip pencil, have a line added around the natural lip line without a gap. Just a millimeter or so extra can make a big difference but still look like your natural mouth shape (whereas going well over the line would not look good at all as you’d have an unnatural mouth shape).
Cosmetic Procedures For Lip Augmentation
If all else fails there are a couple of procedures that you can have done. You can go the route of non-surgical lip augmentation with lip injections. With these the lip is numbed and then filler is injected into the lips to plump them up.
The procedure takes about 30 minutes and you can go home right away though you may have a bit of swelling and bruising for a few days.
The filler is absorbed by the body within about 6 months and needs to be redone if you want the effect to last.
The cost of lip fillers is anything from $300 up – it depends how much filling there is to be done.
This is largely your own decision but a lot of lip enhancement clients seem to go a bit far with the procedure and it looks like they have had a bad lip job. Don’t do that! Better to do too little than too much and look like a trout.
If you want to know more here is an interesting video of an actual procedure being done so that you can see that it’s not too scary.
The other type of cosmetic procedure you can have to get bigger lips is a lip implant. Lip implants require the lip to be cut so that the implants can be inserted and requires a high degree of skill from the surgeon so that you look better when you are finished than before you started.
When I think about solutions like this for how to make your lips bigger, I squirm but I know that this type of surgery is getting more and more popular- I blame Angelina Jolie, and her perfect pout.
If you decide to go for a cosmetic surgery be sure to get recommendations from someone you trust because your whole look is in their hands. I’m just going to carry on with those lipstick tricks and my tingling lip plumper for now!

Angelina Jolie is my idol on having that fuller sexy lips. These tips will surely help to achieve that fuller lips I always been dreaming of =) Now you got me! Need to apply some of these ideals soon. Loving it! Keep on posting =)
Geez… Is this women a cosmetic surgeon and if not is it legal for cosmetologist to do this type of invasive procedure ?
In the case of that Youtube video, I have no idea. I’m not recommending this woman in particular. I just added it to give an idea of what is involved. If I was going to have this done (and quite honestly there’s no way I ever will) I’d want to see every certificate and government license in triplicate. What is legal in one country is different from what is legal in another. Look for the most qualified person you can to do lip augmentation if you’re going to do it and not the least qualified with the cheapest price.
I’m really worried about doing those lip exercises because after I do them the lines around my lips are even deeper. I can smooth them out but eventually they’re going to get worse doing this daily. Perhaps this is suited to the very young? I’ve never smoked but even drinking through straws for years has affected my lips and I have those lines now at age 50 (they started faintly ten years ago).
Hi Mary, if you find your face seems to wrinkle up more as you exercise, try placing your fingers in the exact position where your skin has a tendency to wrinkle up, and press down while tensing the muscles. This will provide the benefit of the exercise without allowing your face to go into unwelcome creases.
hi i would love to get my lips done but i have now been put on medication blood thiners and statins can i still get them done thanks
Hi Debbie, I don’t know whether it would be a problem or not. It would be best to check with a medical professional. Also think long and hard whether you want to do it at all. I’ve seen a lot of pictures recently where women look better before they have anything done.